Whitesource, CheckMarx, jenkins, ansible, github, openshit,
Note: Must have White source, Check Marx Experience.
- Hands on experience on Tools like Jenkins, Ansible ,SonarQube, Nexus Repository, OpenShift and GitHub
- Design & Implementation of CI/CD pipelines for all the applications using Jenkins tool with integration of Git, SonarQube, Nexus, White source, Check Marx, Ansible tools.
- Create and managing all slave nodes of Jenkins by giving the Jenkins tools path.
- Managing the code quality with Sonar dashboard and maintaining the admin rights. Maintaining Nexus server for storing the Artifacts.
- Manage source code with Git repository and adding the webhooks in repositories to integrate with Jenkins for auto trigger of pipelines.
- Maintaining the Ansible server for deployment purposes and writing all the play books for required applications.
- Design & Implementation of CI/CD pipelines for the microservices and deploying in the OpenShift.
- Taking care of all the DevOps Port opening.
Managing the Grafana reports(Pull data from GitHub, SonarQube, Jenkins with respective API services)